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Lotus Active Health

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I am Vesna, a certified fitness, stretching, pole fitness instructor and blood glucose counselor. 

I have been involved in sports for over 30 years, and I help women feel the effects of physical activity on their overall health.

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About me

As a certified fitness coach, I empower women to conquer health challenges through comprehensive wellness strategies.

From a young age, I confronted a range of health issues including PCOS, bladder problems, IBS, gestational diabetes, and uterine prolapse, all while maintaining a seemingly healthy lifestyle. In my adolescence, medical professionals prescribed medication, asserting it as the sole path to health and motherhood. Despite my reservations, fear compelled me to comply. After years of medication, I underwent painful treatments and endured hardships to conceive.

Depression, IBS, energy fluctuations, and the limitations imposed by prolapse hindered my daily life. Medical experts offered no hope for the resolution of my health issues. I was determined to regain control, I remodeled my diet, exercise regimen, and mindset.

Through diligent attention and a holistic approach, I experienced remarkable transformations after only five months. A follow-up examination astonished my doctor—there was no trace of previous ailments. Although unable to comprehend the methods behind my progress, she encouraged me to persist on my chosen path.

Actually, she asked for my business card so she could give it to her patients who are confronting the same health issues :)

By aligning dietary modifications, exercise routines, and mental outlook, I successfully overcame seemingly insurmountable health obstacles, adopting a healthier and more vibrant existence. This journey instilled in me the belief that in the face of difficulties, a resolute commitment to holistic wellness can yield profound results.

To date, I have guided dozens women in navigating their health challenges, empowering them to achieve body and mind wellness.



For any additional information, you can contact me by email or phone.


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